This year, the congregation will be teaching the Catechism Class to 7th and 8th graders. This will provide the students with varied views, personalities, and experiences from across the entire congregation.
The Class is divided into two semesters of 12 sessions each.
Sessions will take place on select Tuesday nights, 7pm to 8pm (schedule to be posted).
Please arrive early, as class will begin promptly at 7.
A copy of Luther’s Small Catechism and The Bible, along with a notebook and a pen will be provided at the first class. Pastor expects them to be used in each class session.
Every catechist teaches and evaluates catechumens a little bit differently. Students are not required to pass any quizzes, tests, or exams. It is recommended that you read Luther’s Small Catechism a little every day, six days a week, reading the entire Catechism once a week (it’s short). It is further recommend that you attend Sunday services and participate in Youth Ministry or Kid's Club at St. Paul’s.
There is only one requirement: Genuine participatory attendance at class. “Grading” in this class is based 100% on engaged attendance.
Please register for class by calling the church office. We look forward to seeing you.